What better way to sell your product than kick-starting your pitch with a compelling video that visually stimulates, excites the senses, demonstrates your product, and services while effectively turning viewers into engaged prospects with sound information about your offerings?
At DAF Media our Brand Video packages are geared to reach to your audience from marketing to entertainment. We create videos that illustrate your company operations structure and services with an effort to distinguish you from the rest. As you know, there are many forms of brand videos; Commercials for product demonstration; Announcement Videos for Social Media; Training Videos for staff enrichment, etc.
10 years of business, with over 45 years of collective experience, we at DAF Media would like you to trust us with your next video advertisement.
Thank you.
We have provided big and small Video Crews, for some of the most notable Brands production. We’ve also contributed to Brand productions by sending individual media professional such as; Producers, Directors, Director of Photography, AC, Audio Techs, DIT, Video Engineers, Camera Operators, Jib Operators, Gaffers, Grips and Production Assistants to complete a crew for a Brand production.
— we customized our production to your specific video needs.
The Video Interview is important. In a lot of cases Video Interview is the final touch on the canvas of informative storytelling. Video interviews are your opportunity to increase comprehension by validating the provided info with firsthand testimonies.
Our Producers use the documentation provided to create a script for our production team. From that, we build a storyboard for your approval. After your approval, we gather what we need to start production.
Everyone on a DAF Media production receives a rundown because we believe writing it out brings clarity, leading to a good production. Listed in the rundown for each sense are:
1) take description, 2) time of day, 3) location, 4) talent, 5) crew members, 6) camera angles, 7) equipment and props.
The post-production editing phase is the last before delivery. It involves video editing, color treatment, audio mastering, and graphic design. These important elements are what mold your project into a film masterpiece.
As mentioned before, at DAF we use top notch cinema equipment. ARRI, RED, Canon, Kino Flo, Sennheiser to name a few. Our promotional videos and training videos are created to inspire your audiences. Our goal is to create a seamless production workflow.
(844) 643-3633 x5
(404) 720-3104
(214) 256-4813
(614) 571-0804
(844) 643-3633